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  12. Artykuły przeglądowe

  13. Korohoda W, Wilk A. Cell electrophoresis--a method for cell separation and research into cell surface properties. Cell Mol Biol Lett. 2008;13(2):312-26. Review.
  14. Czyz J. The stage-specific function of gap junctions during tumourigenesis. Cell Mol Biol Lett. 2008;13(1):92-102. Review
  15. Ratajczak M.Z., Kucia M., Shin D-M., Rui L., Drukala J., Marlicz W., Ratajczak J., Zuba-Surma E.K.(2008). A unique population of mobile very small embryonic/epiblast like (VSEL) stem cells resides in adult tissues: physiological and pathological consequences. Cellular Therapy and Transplantation,2